Sign up for the online Christian Business Directory
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Sign up for the online Christian Business Directory

Listing Details:

Please enter the details in this section exactly as you want them to appear in your listing

Name of Business:

Contact Person:

Street Address:


Postal Address: (enter only if different to street address)


Telephone No:

Fax No:

Cell No:

Email Address:


Description of Business: (up to 30 words)


If not in list, enter your category here:

Admin Details:

These do not appear on your listing

Which Church do you attend?

Client Details for Account Purposes

(Enter only if different to the listing details above)

Name of Business:

Name of person responsible for paying account:

Telephone No:

Cell No:

Email Address:

Type of Ad and Payment Options:

Type of Ad:
Full Page - R2280 per year OR R440 deposit, plus R220 per month by debit order - more info
Jumbo Display Ad - R1680 R960 per year OR R330 deposit, plus R165 per month by debit order - more info
Display Ad - R1280 per year OR R240 deposit, plus R120 per month by debit order - more info
Listing - R480 per year OR R120 deposit, plus R60 per month by debit order - more info

Payment Options:
I will pay the annual amount on invoice
I will pay the annual amount online now by EFT or Credit Card
I will pay the deposit on invoice, and monthly payments by debit order

Any other info we need to know?:


  1. PE Church Net reserves the right to refuse this order or remove an advert if the client does not conform to the principles and conditions as laid out on our Christian Business Directory homepage (
  2. We will confirm your application within 24 hours by email and/or sms and email you an invoice.  All deposits or annual payments are due within 7 days of submitting this form.  Monthly payments (where applicable) are payable by debit order on the first or seventh day of each month.  If your payment is not received as above, we reserve the right to suspend or remove your listing without further notice.
  3. Ads in our online Christian Business Directory are placed for a minimum of twelve months from date of order.  Thereafter the ad may be terminated by either party after 30 days written notice. We reserve the right to increase tariffs annually.
  4. PLEASE NOTE that submitting this form constitutes a BINDING AGREEMENT to purchase the type of ad selected above.  This is NOT an enquiry.  If you are unsure about anything, DO NOT submit.  Refer to our advertising info or contact us at
I agree to the above conditions