Book: Transforming the Church in Africa by Vernon E. Light

Book: Transforming the Church in Africa by Vernon E. Light

This book is a must-read for serious Christians hoping to obey the Great Commission to make disciples in Africa.  Vernon strikes an admirable balance between academic depth and practical application, helping us to appreciate the interface between the gospel of Jesus Christ and the traditional African worldview. I heartily recommend this book to all thinking Christian leaders in Africa – pastors, teachers, and missionaries.
Kevin G. Smith, DLitt, PhD

Vernon Light wrote this book with an apostolic passion in the way the Apostles presented and proclaimed the Gospel to world religions and cultures. It is an exciting study of African Traditional Religion and its relation to Christianity. It shows for Christianity to thrive and be relevant, biblical and transformational in Africa that, firstly, Christians, scholars and theologians are needed who understand and address Africa’s traditional heritage and Western modern, postmodern and pluralistic ideologies, and, secondly, the Gospel must be contextually, relevantly, meaningfully and practically taught through an effective discipleship programme. The book, based on extensive research and massive use of resources, is a valuable tool for students, pastors, scholars and theologians interested in the state of Christianity and religious change in Africa.
Professor Yusufu Turaki, PhD
Much more than being a useful resource, this is a book with a mission. Like Jeremiah of old (Jer 20:9), Vernon is a man with a passion and message from God to the society to which God has called him. Like Jeremiah, Vernon is totally convinced of the absolute truth of his message in the midst of a myriad of conflicting opinions and that his message will change society from disaster to hope. Would that it is heard!
Professor David T. Williams, DT
This book takes up the challenges facing the Church in Africa and how to make it more influential in the continent.

The Rev. Vernon E. Light (BSc, BDHons, MTh)
is a member of the academic staff at the
South African Theological Seminary.

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